A Party to Remember

bisexual college orgy Apr 25, 2021

Lana was enjoying the party more than she thought she would. As she leaned against the wall, red solo cup in hand, she observed the more adept party-goers. There was a definite sexual tension in the entire frat house, from the music choice and grinding on the dance floor, to the moans and creaks she heard above her when the music went quiet for even one moment. Lana watched a well-known couple, Tommy and Kiara, as they danced and undressed each other at the same time. A very impressive skill, and one that didn’t seem to bother anyone else

Whether practically having sex in the open was normal or everyone else was too drunk or high to notice, Lana wasn’t sure. She sipped her drink as one of Kiara’s breasts popped loose from her tight-fitting dress, Tommy groping it happily as he sucked on her neck. Lana wondered what it would be like to be Kiara as she shifted her weight to try and stop the flow of her wet pussy. Her cotton panties stuck to her regardless, and Lana decided to go outside, to get some fresh air and to try and pry her mind from the intense vibe inside.

As she walked by, plenty of people from campus waved or said hi to her. Lana was grateful. She had been so nervous about coming to the party as a transfer student, someone who had only been around for a couple of months. But even though charisma wasn’t her strong suit, she had found most people easy to get along with, as well as easy on the eyes. She was a couple of steps away from the front door, with the stairs to the upstairs directly behind her, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Lana turned around to see Veronica, a girl she had met in Psychology and a talented vocalist in the choir, smiling at her.

“Lana! You came!” Veronica’s bubbly personality put everyone around her at ease and she reached in for a hug. Lana couldn’t help but notice her hard nipples push against her own breasts. Veronica was stunning, from her long legs to her vibrantly black hair. And, Lana thought to herself, no one can ignore tits that good.

“I’m having a great time,” Lana smiled, meaning what she said, “Thanks for telling me to come.”

“I’m glad I finally found you!” Veronica smiled, melting Lana’s heart. She was finding it hard to hide her attraction to the perky woman since she was a little tipsy.

“Oh? Why’s that?” Lana smiled, hopeful that Veronica wanted to spend more time with her.

“Are you,” Veronica leaned closer to Lana, her soft lips brushing against her neck, “Into guys and girls? Like...you know?”

“Bisexual?” Lana smiled again, wondering why Veronica was asking this and watching her sparkling blue eyes for any hints.

“Good,” Veronica smiled back, “Because I think you would be perfect for our little game. Come upstairs.”

“Ummm,” Lana hesitated, but Veronica reached out her arm and practically dragged her to the second floor before Lana could really decide. The sounds of moaning and pleasure got louder as they reached a closed door.

Veronica turned back and winked at Lana, “I’ve been wanting to do this with you for a while,” she said, before opening the door onto a full-blown orgy. The smell of latex and lube filled the air.

There was so much to take in, Lana had a hard time deciding what to focus on. In the far corner on the bed, she saw two guys she didn’t know, one eating the other’s ass with excitement. Next to that was a girl she had seen in class, Julie, Lana thought her name was, rotating between sucking off three guys, her breasts bouncing as they were squeezed and pulled by each of the guys. On the floor, a student named Jason was eating out an RA, Torri, while she ate out another female student Lana didn’t know. Finally, a guy, cock erect and waiting, was laying on the floor closest to the door and gestured happily to Veronica as she opened the door.

“Todd!” Veronica gushed, easing herself onto his cock as she had no panties on underneath her skirt, “This is my friend, Lana!”

Lana waved awkwardly as Veronica began riding Todd. Todd looked her over with greed in his eyes, as well as another guy who was being jacked off by Julie. No one else paid her any mind, they were all buried too deeply into someone else.

“Well,” Todd asked her, his eyebrow raising at Lana’s awkward standing near the door, “Close the damn door and get over here.”

“Oh,” Lana said, turning to close the door. She had never been in an orgy before. To be honest, she wasn’t even sure how it worked, who was dominant, how they traded partners, and the like. She chewed her lip nervously as she began walking toward Todd.

“Honey,” Veronica reached up to grasp Lana’s wrist as she kept riding Todd, “Just relax honey,” Veronica pulled Lana down to plant a wet kiss on her mouth, sending Lana’s heart soaring through the roof. Todd groaned as he watched the two of them make out and Lana felt her poor panties get soaked even further.

“My turn,” Todd growled, grabbing Lana and bringing her down to kiss her. Lana felt Veronica begin to pull her skirt down, panties aside, and she sighed happily against Todd’s mouth as Veronica began to push one, then two fingers, into her wet folds. Todd pulled her shirt off, breaking their kisses for only a moment before he too reached down to play with Lana’s clitoris. Lana began riding both Veronica’s fingers and Todd’s hand, hoping that her first orgy wouldn’t end any time soon.


Photo by Jonah Brown on Unsplash

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